8 Feb 25

If you enjoy a beer occasionally, leave your money at home if you plan to do your consuming in a casino. I’m serious. Empty your pocketbook, your money belt, and keep all money, plastic credit and checks at home. Take only the money you anticipate to use on beverages, tipping and few dollars you expect to throw away and leave the rest behind.

Contemptuous? Absolutely not. Just realistic. You can experience a win after a drunken night out with your buddies and be blessed enough to hit a marathon roll at a hot craps table. Hang on to that story because it’s as brief as it gets if you continuously consume alcohol and wager. These activities just don’t mix.

Leaving your moola back at the hotel is a tiny bit excessive, but precautionary measures for dramatic behavior is compulsory. If you play to profit, then do not drink alcohol and gamble. If you are able to afford to blow your $$$$ nary a concern, then drink all the gratuitous booze you can handle, but do not take credit cards and cheques to throw into the mix of going after squanderings after your bombed self loses every little thing!

Allow me to carry this a single step further. do not drink and then head on the web to wager in your preferred online casino either. I love to beer from the coziness of my home, however due to the fact that I am connected through Neteller, Firepay and have credit cards at my fingertips, I can’t drink alcohol and wager.

How come? Despite the fact that I do not drink alcohol a lot, when I consume alcohol, it’s clearly enough to blur my better judgment. I gamble, so I don’t drink alcohol when gambling. If you are more of a drinker, do not gamble when you do. Both create an awful, and costly, cocktail.

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